- Valerie Garcia
- Heather A. Thomas
Hall & Evans attorneys, Valerie Garcia and Heather Thomas, obtained a directed verdict on behalf of a homeowners association after four days of trial in an Elbert County District Court case. Plaintiffs claimed the construction of a house and barn on a neighbors’ lot negatively affected mountain views from their home. Plaintiffs alleged the homeowners association failed to enforce the community’s governing documents and breached fiduciary duties. Plaintiffs sued their neighbors and their homeowners association. At trial, Plaintiffs sought $1.1 million for damages related to their alleged loss of views. After Plaintiffs rested their case, Hall & Evans moved to dismiss Plaintiffs’ claims against the homeowners association. Following additional argument, the Court dismissed all claims against the homeowners association. Obtaining a dismissal after Plaintiffs rest their case is uncommon, and a credit to the exceptional skills of the trial team.